
Before, After and some Bits in Between

About Me 05/18/2011

welcome to whatdoiluv.

Here’s me in a nutshell…

I’ll try my absolute best to fill these pages with things that mean something to me in hopes that I can pass on some motivation maybe even some inspiration and belief that you too can be happy healthy and wake up each day with a purpose. Your purpose.

I’m a 29 (for a few more months anyway) and a few years ago I quit smoking after about 10 years.

Actually it was November 1st 2006. It’s coincidence that it’s the first of the month because it wasn’t planned at all. I woke up that morning and thought…  “I’m done”.

That was it. I threw away an almost new pack of Du Maurier’s and haven’t looked back.

Around the same time I started to run. Well; I’ll call it running but it’s really more of a jog. Now, 5ish years later I continue to run and some day I know I’ll have worked hard enough to qualify for the Boston marathon…. some day.

So; really…. why am I doing this? A couple of weeks ago I needed inspiration. I needed ideas and hope that I could still achieve everything I wanted to achieve. This is where I found it. In sharing thoughts and ideas with all of you I found inspiration.

Here’s me and Sean; we met online over a year ago and he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Sean and I in Alberta


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